Fairmoney App

 Get registration bonus of #500 when you register via the following link.


App size is less than 6mb.
Eligibility: New Users only


A wise man once said, “Too much money is not enough money.” Everybody needs some extra income and we figured FairMoney customers also do. That’s why we are introducing the FairMoney Referrals Program today. 
The referrals program is a way for you to earn discounts on your FairMoney loans. In other words, the better you perform as a referrer the larger the discounts you get on your loans. 
Now you might be wondering what a referral is and how it will translate into you getting discounts on your FairMoney loans. Not to worry, we will be breaking it all down below, starting with what a referral is. 
According to the Oxford Dictionary, to ‘refer’ someone means directing their attention towards something or someone else. In the case of the FairMoney Referral Program, a referral is you telling someone else (who has not gotten a FairMoney loan before) to do so. 
So how will it work? Well, that’s simple. To join the FairMoney referral program:
  • Simply click on the “Invite Friends” section of the FairMoney app

  • Click on “share via WhatsApp” to share with the person you want to refer on WhatsApp or copy the link that’s shown and share with them.

  • Your link is custom and your code will be entered automatically when the person is filling their application.
  • When each NEW person you refer gets a loan, you get a N500 discount on YOUR existing loan.
  • That’s all!
Simple as ABC, right?  Now that you have the gist, log into the FairMoney app, copy your custom link and start sharing! Remember for each NEW person you refer that gets a loan on the FairMoney Android app, you get a N500 discount on YOUR own existing loan which makes repaying your loan that much easier. 
As always, when you win, we win. To the moon!
